Meet Jean, our latest intergenerational champion and first champion from Tyne and Wear. Jean has been nominated by Tara Paxton and Lisa Greener, Atelieristas at Childsplay Nursery, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Champion: Jean Henderson
Born: 1934
Age: 89
Location: Gateshead, Tyne and Wear
Passions: Socialising, reading, knitting, family and engaging with children.

Jean was a playgroup organiser for 25 years whilst working as a foster carer and raising seven children.

Jean’s story

Jean is an amazingly caring and kind person. Growing up and still living in the same area, Jean is well known and loved by everyone. Jean was married to George for over 50 happy years. She has seven children and over 30 grandchildren and great grandchildren. Jean and George enjoyed spending time socialising at Winton Court Extra Care Scheme together, attending the weekly club and visiting the in-house hairdressers. After the sad loss of George, Jean decided to move into the Extra Care Scheme herself as she had built so many friendships.

Jean grew up with her good friend Marion and both were happily reunited after many years when Jean moved into the Extra Care Scheme. Jean loves nothing more than a chat with her friends, visits from family and of course visits from the nursery children. She attends the local community centre every Tuesday and enjoys ladies morning on Thursdays where she enjoys a game of bingo.

Why bringing generations together matters to Jean

As early years practitioners, we visit Winton Court regularly with our nursery children. We have observed such wonderful interactions between Jean and the children. Jean is a genuinely amazing person who takes the time to get to know everyone. She has developed close relationships with both children and staff and we all look forward to spending time with her.

She is bright, bubbly and shows genuine emotion and love for the children. She has taught the children so much, from games, to songs and stories. Jean’s smile lights up the room and this draws the children to her so naturally.

Jean understands the value and importance of intergenerational work and is a real advocate! She has discussed with her care staff the benefits she sees for herself and the other residents.

As practitioners, we also observe so many benefits for everyone involved. When the children tell you they don’t want to leave the care home because they love spending time with their older friends, you know you are onto something special. Intergenerational work makes a huge difference to so many lives.

We are incredibly proud that Jean has been recognised as an Intergenerational Champion with Ready Generations. Jean will be over the moon!

Ready Generations

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