Mirrored Curriculum Framework

Our philosophy for integrated intergenerational learning and care is based on our unique and specifically designed Mirrored Curriculum Framework (MCF). The intention of the Framework is to provide meaningful learning opportunities, where both older people and the very young come together to share real and purposeful learning and social interactions. The MCF is designed as a dynamic, flexible and cumulative approach to learning for the earliest and latest years of life.

In developing the Framework, we have drawn on the best research evidence into successful international early learning models and frameworks, particularly those curricula focusing on intergenerational communities and social interaction. We have also considered how to achieve optimum cognitive development opportunities through agency, inquiry and exploratory learning.

We have looked at the community and culture focused New Zealand Te Whariki model, the creativity of the Reggio Emilia approach and the child-centred Australian Being, Belonging, Becoming framework. We intend that the MCF will drive the design of impactful learning spaces that support healthy interactions and encourage children and older people to learn and enjoy being together.

 With this broad vision and philosophy in mind, we have based the MCF on four key operational principles:

  • the child and older person as protagonist, competent and rich in resources.
  • the educator as active researcher, facilitator and learning provocateur, co-constructing learning alongside children and older people.
  • the physical, social, emotional and spiritual learning space, as the third, or silent teacher.
  • parents, care givers, families and older people as authentic partners in learning for everyone.

The curriculum has six domains that we use to plan all of our intergenerational work.