Attuned Relationships Programme

Project 2

Ageing is inevitable but how we age is not!
The State of Ageing Report 2019

Our Attuned Relationship Model (ARM) forms the foundation for all our intergenerational work.  ARM is grounded in the ethical concept of human dignity at all stages of the life course from the earliest age onwards. It sits comfortably with both the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNICEF) and the Human Rights Act 1998.

As such it has a strong emphasis on listening and treating everyone equally with fairness and respect, whatever their age or life stage.  The model views human beings, from birth throughout the life course, as fundamentally social creatures, driven by the need to make and find meaning through social interaction and individual achievement.

Our ARM model is shaped further by the work of the Harvard Centre on the Developing Child who have identified three operating principles based in the science of early childhood development and adult capabilities. We apply the principles to all our programmes, service design and professional development. These are to:

Adapted from Harvard Centre on the Developing Child
Three Principles to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families, 2017.