Winter is rapidly approaching, the clocks have gone back an hour and it is going dark before the end of the school day. National data on road traffic collisions suggests that on average there is an increase by 20% in the fortnight after the time change.

Sadly, some of these collisions will involve child pedestrians and cyclists. Children under-16 are one of the most vulnerable groups of road users.
The latest available Department for Transport statistics (2015)* show that 58% of children who die or are seriously injured in a road collision are involved in incidents between 3 and 7pm and many accidents happen in darkness.
Whilst younger children are at risk, the data shows that 11 – 15 year olds are actually at most risk from accidents that kill or result in serious injury. This is often related to their greater independence and freedom to make their own way to and from school.
Many nurseries and schools encourage parents and children to walk, cycle or scoot to school, particularly during Covid-19. To support this, we have collated a set of resources which we hope you will find useful. They will help your child to learn more about road safety and safe cycling.